Friday, August 5, 2011

Macedonian cop radar zones (hot spots)

Beware of the speed limit signs

As the frequency of the vehicles, now in the summer period is increased for couple of times, especially on the transit roads towards Greece or Albania, or the Macedonian tourism destinations, the traffic police is placed in their hot spots.
We can help you, introducing to you the Macedonian police hot spots on the main road corridors in Macedonia.

-On the exit of Skopje towards Tetovo, at the Iron Bridge near Saraj - there is always a patrol car.
-Laskarci village, where the speed limit is 100 km/h.
-At the Grupcin junction, where the speed limit is 100 km/h. If there is not police at Laskarci - then be careful at Grupcin.
-Before or after the Petrol Company gas station.
-At the Zelino paytoll/toll booth.

-Junctions at Bogovinje, Kamenjane.

-On the part Gostivar-Straza, before the junction for Mavrovo, at the quarry's.
-At Novo Selo, the police radar is hidden behind the Second World War monument.
-Kolari village.
-Before Zajas.
-At the entrance of Kicevo.

-Izvor village.
-Meseista bus station.

-Rajko Zizinfov railway station, Basino Selo, Vetersko and Katlanovo exit junction.

-At the so called 8th km, where the cobblestone starts.

-At the underpass, before the entrance/exit junction for Kocani, from Delcevo side.
-At the junction for Vinica.

-At Smojmirovo village.

-"OKTA" at the junction with the highway.
-At "OKTA" entrance/exit junction.
-The end of the highway towards Tabanovce.

Skopje-border point Bogorodica:
-After Katlanovo - gas stations Makpetrol.
-After Vetersko, Basino Selo and Rajko Zizinfov railway station.
-At Veles junction right after the tunnel.
-500 m. after the first junction, just before the second entry for Veles.
-Vardar river bridge, after MAKOIL gas station / or on the other direction, at MAKPETROL gas station.
-After the last paytoll/toll booth, at the junction for Prilep.
-At Negotino gas station MAKPETROL / or on the ohter side.
-Just after the highway ends, in Demir Kapija, before the tunnel there is a speed limit of 80 km/h, at the MAKPETROL gas station.
-After Gradec village, there is a speed limit of just 70 km/h :D
-At the junction for Valandovo, there is another speed limit of 70 or 60 km/h.
-At Vardar bridge, near Marvinci.
-At Smokvica where highway starts again.
-At the junction for Negorci/Prdejci.
-Towards the border, there is another speed limit of 80 km/h, just before Gevgelija junction.

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